
Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Loving All the Children

    Look at the faces on these two little boys. Can you love them without knowing who they are? Does it matter if they are naughty or well-behaved? Could they be naughty because they don't feel loved?

    The little boy on the left is Donald Trump, and the boy on the right is Vladimir Putin.  I am trying hard to love and forgive these two people. It is difficult to do, so I have decided to picture them as little boys, before they had the opportunity to create havoc in the world. Now I can pray for them and love their inner child - the part of them that was created in God's image.

    Why am I trying to love these two people? It is because I believe the world is on the cusp of the Era of Peace and we need all of humanity to be a part of this transition. Many modern-day prophets are telling us  there are now more people than ever before who are in alignment with the will of God. Using our free will to choose divine will is the way to free humanity from the fallen state we have lived in for too many millennia. 

    Of course the world is still full of rebellious souls - the ones who keep violence and mayhem in the headlines and make us think that the world will never be at peace. When we let these people fill us with fear and anger we are doing our part to delay the coming of the new golden age. They need our love and forgiveness so that they will realize they are One with every other person in the world. When a man hurts another person he also hurts himself and everyone else. The more we can love those recalcitrant souls, the closer they will come to recognizing they are part of the Divine Oneness. 

    There may be many people in your life or in the News that you fear and hate. I suggest that you try to picture them as children, when they were more loveable, and send love to those little people. 

    Jesus said: "love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew 5:44). To understand the importance of loving your enemies, you might want to listen to this guided meditation: Era of Peace.


Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Election Day 2022


    The power of fear is driving U.S. citizens to the polls this Election Day, 2022. Members of both parties fear what will happen to the country if the other side wins. Campaign rhetoric is full of negativity regarding the opposition. 

    The opposite of fear is love. Let us take love with us into the voting booth, remembering that this country was founded on the principal that all people are created equal. Yes, the exact words are "all men are created equal" - but I believe the divine intention for this country was that all of humanity is equal in the sight of God. The intention was for  this to be a nation where people from all backgrounds and cultures would be welcome, and where we would revel in our diversity. 

    Too many ego-centric people let their thirst for power control their decisions and actions, preventing us from becoming the nation we were meant to be for 246 years. But the number of us who desire a government based on oneness, divine love, and reverence for all life has grown expeditiously in recent years. The time has come for the unified efforts of heaven and earth to manifest divine government in the United States, so that we might serve as an example for the rest of the world. 

    It is difficult to believe this is our destiny when we see the ongoing efforts of those stubborn, fear-based souls who refuse to give in to Divine Will. But their efforts, full of violence, hatred, and lies, are coming to the surface now - where they can be transformed by the light of truth and the mercy of unconditional love. 

    We can be a part of the divine plan for a heart-based government, praying for all government leaders to make their decisions based on love and compassion. And we can join in this invocation for divine government shared by Patricia Cota-Robles of the Era of Peace: 

Invocation for Divine Government