Had you heard that yesterday, 10-10-10, was a significant day in the spiritual evolution of humanity and the earth? Many messages were channeled from divine sources who spoke of the day as a stargate, or portal, from the old worldview in which limited thinking, violence, fear, and greed, are acceptable; to a new worldview in which unlimited thinking, love, compassion, harmony, and peace -- the recognition of Oneness -– make up the new paradigm.
Perhaps you thought, as many did, that it was silly to think there could be anything special about a date, considering that all dates are based on a human-created number system and calendar. This viewpoint comes from the common idea people have that the spiritual and physical worlds are totally separate from each other. The Oneness view is that the spiritual and physical worlds are inter-connected, and that there's a divine understanding of everything, including our number system and calendar! The number “ten” signifies a new beginning, since it’s the last number in our decimal system before we start counting again on a new level. So the divine powers are using our system, the one that we understand, to aid us in our spiritual evolution. (Gee, why would a God of Love choose some other fancy system that nobody understands?)
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copyrights: XL D-Sign / Joop van Houdt |
Have you seen a picture of the butterfly man crop circle that appeared in the Netherlands a year ago? It is a symbolic image of what is happening to humanity today. We are being transformed from sleepy caterpillars to the magnificent beings our divine creator intended us to be when we were made in God’s image. Because we have free will to choose the life we desire, and we chose long ago to separate ourselves from divine will, we have been living in our chosen dimension where darkness has often reined. After thousands (millions?) of years, many of us have decided we no longer want to live this way. We choose to live within divine will, where all is One, and all is love, peace, and abundant creativity. Today, the first day after 10-10-10, we begin a period of accelerated transformation for all human butterflies who are ready to spread their wings.
Each individual will experience the unfolding of wings in his or her own way. Over the past year I have been experiencing my increasing enlightenment in nighttime “downloads” of spiritual energy – a cocoon of soft, peaceful energy that surrounds me as I fall back to sleep. Last night I had my best-ever experience - just the most wonderful, indescribable sparkly, tingly glow, with glimmers of mental imagery accompanying it. It went on for a long time while I just soaked it up.
I also had a dream in which I got out of a long line of people to speak to a woman who had some theological questions for me. She wanted to believe in a God of Love, but she was having trouble reconciling this belief with some of the doctrines she was taught at church. I explained my view, referring to my favorite parables about the good shepherd searching for his one lost sheep, and the woman searching for the lost coin, and pointed out that these stories demonstrate how God will never give up on a single person. I told her that God IS Love, and that Love is all there really is; so how can anyone exist outside of that love unless they choose to be? As I said this I looked closely into her eyes, zeroing in on one, beautiful, lavender eye, feeling the love flow between her eye and mine.
This morning I re-read my favorite 10-10-10 article: 10-10-10-stargate-lightworker-to-the-new-human and noticed several references to the inner eye; that those who have chosen love and compassion as their path will find their inner eye awakening to spiritual light and wisdom; so I recognized the lavender eye in my dream as the opening of my inner eye.
Ah, the bridges between heaven and earth are becoming more and more visible to all those who wish to cross them! I look forward to hearing about other lightworkers' experiences as we gather in our new awareness to spread our wings together!
Beautiful, Emily! And yes, what an interesting idea, that the gods would choose to communicate in whatever method we can understand. Not in esoteric ways . . . I am always skeptical of "forbidden" or "hidden" knowledge.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, 10 in the Tarot system is the a culmination of the energies of the suit. Although it can signify new beginnings, those beginnings are made possible by the work that came before. We tend to read the 10 cards as signifying the harvest, the fruits, work well done, all good things come to those who work, and so on.
Best to you,
Puny, much knowledge has been hidden until now because it was so abused by people in power. Look what the Church did to the teachings of Jesus! The church fathers hid much of what he taught so that they could keep all the power to their greedy selves. When people recognize that the kingdom of heaven and the power to create what they want is within them, no earthly leader can have power OVER them! After that, much spiritual wisdom went underground, to keep it safe from those you would call power-mongers. But this is the beginning of a new time - when all dark things are coming out into the Light. The things that were dark and evil are being exposed so all can see them for what they are. And the spiritual light that had been hidden in darkness is now coming out from under its bushel to enlighten the world.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I agree that the number ten denotes both the harvest of all the spiritual work that has been accomplished. And now begins the 2011th year that will culminate on 11-11-11 with an even more exciting Stargate to step through!
ReplyDeleteI agree with your perspective in this statement - "Perhaps you thought, as many did, that it was silly to think there could be anything special about a date, considering that all dates are based on a human-created number system and calendar. This viewpoint comes from the common idea people have that the spiritual and physical worlds are totally separate from each other. The Oneness view is that the spiritual and physical worlds are inter-connected, and that there's a divine understanding of everything, including our number system and calendar!"
YES ! ! ! Any thought to the contrary includes separation from the Divine. Speaking to us clearly, in a language that we can understand. Indeed, "why would a God of Love choose some other fancy system that nobody understands?"
I just read this morning that there is only one emotion - Love. Even fear, is a "version" of Love, for if we did not love ourselves or another, we would not have fear, we simply wouldn't care. Neale Donald Walsch says in "When Everything Changes, Change Everything" that all emotions are similarly distorted interpretations of Love.
I also enjoyed the same article on the New Human that you reference here. Heaven is coming into the Earth and we are the portals of that energetic influx.
I loved that the woman in your dream had beautiful lavender eyes and you met soul to soul... I also loved the part about God's essence of love, that that is all there is and it is only if we choose to separate ourselves from that love that we are separated from God and our true essence.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with you that we need to spread our love and light!
Debbie G.
Beautifully expressed. Especially loved the lavendar eye connection in your dream.
ReplyDeleteDennie Mystical Energy
Beautiful post Emily... I follow the crop circles and am familiar with the butterfly image, as well as my own recent experiences with 'growing wings'...the latest moment being on Sunday when I turned... to the clock at 10:10 pm. Powerful intentions were set!
ReplyDeleteIn particular, I like your butterfly man idea, implied perhaps more than written, that we are like butterflies, transforming and opening up. You and me . . . and our friends, and if it is as you say, then the human deva itself, that is, humanity as one spiritual being, is also opening its crumpled wings.