
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Now Is the Time

       As the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread around the world, we tend to focus a lot of our time and attention on the people we hold responsible for its rapid growth. I share the feelings of anger and frustration with those who don't take social distancing seriously, those who refuse to believe that people can spread the virus even if they don't have symptoms, and the government leaders who have not acted preemptively to slow the spread of this virus. But I realize that when I focus on these negative thoughts, I lower my soul frequency to a level below the vibration of love and light that we must radiate if we want to eradicate this virus. 

       If you don't know what I mean by the term "soul frequency," just think about how heavy you feel when you are depressed, sick, or grieving. What does your energy feel like when you're angry?  And don't you feel buoyant and light when you listen to beautiful music, read inspirational literature, engage in creative activities, spend time in nature, or cuddle a beloved child? That is when you are raising your frequency to the level of Christ Consciousness/the fifth dimension/heaven on earth (whatever your belief). That is when you are letting your light shine as Jesus bade us to do. 

       This pandemic is a time of initiation for the whole world. Whenever we pass successfully through a difficult or challenging time of life it is a spiritual initiation that takes us to a level of higher frequency. It is very rare for the whole world to go through an initiation at the same time. (If it has ever happened before, I don't know when. Even the Spanish Flu and the world wars did not include every country that has been affected by Covid-19.) This initiation is imperative now because the earth and all life on it were in crisis before the pandemic came - and this may be our last chance to heed the call for unity. 

     In recent decades the world has been plagued with wars, famine, mass shootings, human trafficking, abuse and torture, and every kind of discord imaginable. We have seen an increase in floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and wildfires. Disasters have always given rise to compassionate and heroic acts. Catastrophes unite people. But feelings of love for those outside of our own little circle tend to fade once the disaster has subsided. We have yet to learn how to raise our frequency and maintain it at the level necessary to bring heaven to earth - or perhaps I should say, to raise earth heavenward!

       When enough people focus on love, joy, beauty and light, the frequency of the world will rise above that of the coronavirus and it will disappear. As we keep our focus on love and unity instead of that which divides us, the human family will begin to co-exist harmoniously. 
I write this as a reminder to myself as well as for others. Every day I struggle to focus on what is good and beautiful. I am bombarded by reminders of everything that's wrong with our world. I hate the big trucks that lumber past my house, but I know they are delivering food and other necessities, so now as each one goes by I send love and light to the driver and thank him for his service.

       I hope that all of you will help me to spread love and positive news on the internet which goes out to so many people in the world. This is the opportunity of many lifetimes to bring about a lasting Era of Peace. 

1 comment:

  1. Another well written article. Intriguing and enlightening. Always an interesting concept to consider and respect.
