
Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day: A Day for All Humanity

     Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries around the world on the second Sunday of May. It is a day to honor our mothers and grandmothers, but I am thinking about all the ways that everyone has a nurturing spirit that should be celebrated and encouraged today - and every day.

    I believe that the Great Divine Spirit is both masculine and feminine: Father-Mother God - and that we were created in that image. If only humanity would recognize and encourage both halves of the whole, I believe there would be peace in the world. 

    The feminine spirit of humanity has been oppressed for millennia. Most men do not want to recognize the feminine, nurturing part of themselves, and women are discouraged from demonstrating their logical, strong, and adventurous side. The resulting imbalance has caused most of the discord, violence, and destruction that has plagued humanity throughout our history. 

    Masculine and feminine energies need each other to be perfectly balanced. Either one in the extreme can be detrimental. It's important to recognize both energies in ourselves so that we can look for ways to balance them. For the most part, the world needs more feminine energy. We can encourage this in ourselves by nurturing anyone or anything in need; caring for those who are sick or oppressed, taking care of children or pets, nurturing the plants and birds in our yards, and all the other ways you can think of. And don't forget to nurture yourself with healthy food and activities. 

    I found this article that nicely expresses the importance of balancing the divine feminine and the divine masculine: The Divine Feminine vs. the Divine Masculine. As the article states: Male energy is direct and projects outward with decisive, positive action; it secures, strengthens, and "has a giving nature." Female energy, on the other hand, is cyclical. It's directed inward, it nurtures and assures, and it "has a receiving nature" (via Humanity needs both to be whole and complete.

    Humanity has existed far too long as a patriarchal culture. Many want to see a return to the matriarchal society of ancient times when the Great Goddess was worshipped. I think, rather than going back to pre-historic times, humanity must move forward to an egalitarian existence, where all are considered equal, and every aspect of the human soul is respected and loved. 

    The divine feminine and divine masculine are often depicted as Father Sun and Mother Earth. Humanity cannot exist without both parents!