
Wednesday, June 28, 2023



    The other day I was driving from one grocery store to another - because Aldi products are less expensive and they carry the best dark chocolate, and because Piggly Wiggly carries things that Aldi doesn't have, like Tahini and milk in glass bottles - when I noticed a bumper sticker on the car in front on me reading THINK PEACE. Immediately I felt more peaceful than I had all day. The message reminded me that there are other people in the world who want peace and believe that it's possible if people would think in terms of peace and be at peace within themselves. 

    As I turned the corner from Geneva Street to Borg Road I was still thinking about peace and how mind-boggling it is that in the twenty-first century humankind still engages in war and other modes of violence. (When will start living up to the KIND part of the word, "humankind?") 

    Thinking some more, I can almost excuse the acts of violence that are perpetuated by individuals who have not yet evolved to an understanding that we are all One, and that when we hurt another human being we are actually hurting ourselves and all of the creation to which we are connected. But war! War is conducted by the governments of supposedly civilized countries. When will our leaders realize there is nothing civilized or excusable about warfare?

    As long as people believe that war is an acceptable form of "diplomacy," it will continue. The admonition to THINK PEACE is paramount. We must think in terms of peace if we are to have peace in this world. Think peace and BE peaceful. When enough people wake up to the fact that humankind can only survive when peace prevails, it will happen. 

    What a great reminder that bumper sticker is. I am grateful to the driver who spreads this message of goodwill and hope everywhere he goes.

You may also like: Envisioning a Peaceful World